September 29, 2016 – exploring Acadia NP

We tried to take the bikes on the shuttle but they do not allow electric bikes because of their weight and the batteries.  The bike racks can handle a maximum of 30 lbs.  If we’d taken the batteries off and left them behind, the bikes could have been loaded on the bus bike rack.

The next bus came in an hour so we put the bikes away and prepared to hike.  We took the shuttle to Otter Cliff and walked along the trail to Sand Beach.  Then we took the shuttle to Jordan Pond to hike around the pond. This 3.4 mile hike surprised us.  We were under the impression it was an easy stroll around the pond after which we were going to reward ourselves with famous popovers and coffee at the Jordan Pond House Restaurant. 

The trail on one side of the pond is a wide, flat easy trail.  When you get to the other end of the pond, the trail changes to granite boulders along the shoreline for about ¼ mile.  After that the trail is made of wooden planks which go for what seems like forever but it’s really about a mile.  When you feel like the planks are high enough to make you dizzy, you’re about at the end of them.  Not a leisurely stroll around the pond!  It took us much longer than expected to finish the loop. 

We barely finished in time to make our 4:30 reservation at the Jordon Pond House Restaurant to have their popovers and organic coffee.  Delicious!